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21 Şubat 2014 Cuma

Name of Bosphorus comes from a thracian word which means ''passage of the cow''. In ancient greek Zeus had 

a secret lover whom name is Io. One night Zeus went to forest for met with Io. Hera ( Zeus's wife) suspected and 

decided to follow Zeus. Hermes who messenger of the gods reported her to Zeus and  he converted Io as a 

white cow becaus he afraided rage of Hera. Hera suspected cow because this cow the most beautiful cow she 

ever seen, so she request to cow from Zeus. Hera locked up the cow in dungeon and she ordered to argos who 

has to 1000 eyes giant always watch the cow. Zeus saved her and killed argon. Hera sent a big fly after the cow. 

The Fly bit the cow and Io hurted, so she went to Istanbul from Thrace with the pain of bite. Io passed to strait of 

Istanbul. After that this area called Bosphorus which means passage of the cow.

Şevki Dere

1 yorum:

  1. Wow! This one is one of the most interesting posts I've ever read. Great! Ayca K.
