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12 Şubat 2014 Çarşamba


     I found 4 idioms behind history. I wanted to share these because i thought that these were foolish. And I believe most of people don't these history. I selected this website
 and i try to translate myself i know my grammar isn't good so please check it.
                                                                                           by Fatma Sena KEÇE

                                                               1500's   in the U.K.


Don t throw the baby out with the bath water

   People didn't have a hot bath. When they had a hot bath, man of the family started and later son, other men, women, children, and babies respectively. At the end of bath water was quite dirty and blurred and people could lose something. A mother wouldn't want to mistakenly discard the baby with dirty water.

                                                           It's raining cats and dogs
    Roofing was made of cane and didn't include woods. Domestic animals such as cats and dogs lived in attic. When it rained, the attic got slippery so animals slipped and fell. And people assimilated to rain  cats and dogs
Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old.

     Meals cooked in boiler on the fire and people relighted boiler everyday. They ate meals and leftover (uneaten) waited in boiler. In the morning people added something and rehashed. People couldn't care less.

                                                                                               Chew the fat
     “Chew the fat” is an English expression meaning to indulge in casual conversation or gossip.
     People sometimes found bacon and was happy.  When guests came home, they tack bacon on somewhere and they showed off because meats were symbol of wealth. They cut small pieces of bacon then offered guests. They started to talk.
     The origin is debated just as with many idioms. One of the possible origins is from the the fact that after a meal people would go into their sitting room with their guests and chat while chewing on the fat left over from a meal.
Another possibility comes from sailors who often had salted beef and pork on long voyages and the fat would harden. Sailors would eat and complain about the hard life of the sea while "chewing the fat".  +

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