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21 Şubat 2014 Cuma

Football Club's Season Preparing Camps

Footbal Club's Season Preparing Camps

Football clubs generally take their players to mountains to prepare for next season. It is not only staying away from the city's hustle and bustle. There is an aim there , and it is scientific. Everybody will remember that from biology; erythroctye keeps O2. O2 is the most important source of energy. If you climb up the mountains O2 level will drop. Therefore the humanbody needs more O2,so amount of erythroctye will be increased when the O2 level in the air decreases. It means during the camp players' amount of erythroctye is higher than normal. When the camp finishes, players turn back from mountains to cities. Their amount of erythroctye still higher than normal level. However the level of O2 is higher than the mountain. Therefor there are more O2 and more O2 keeper(erythroctye). It means player will have more energy than normal. This situation continues for about 2-3 weeks. In addition you can see that in the first weeks after the preparing camp players can run more, and players are more energitic than normal time. To sum up, doing a season preparing camp at mountains is beneficial, logical, and scientific thing.

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