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28 Şubat 2014 Cuma

My sentence problem >> Noun+Adjective+Noun ???

First, I want to share this because I believe that it will be able to help some of us, as well.

I have just realised a situation in English.  The situation is related to using a sentence.  I was confused when I saw the sentence.  I couldn't understand what the sentence means because I haven't seen and faced like the sentence so far.  I tried to find the meaning of the sentence but I couldn't.  Of course, I couldn't understand only a part of the sentence, not whole sentence.
Later, I looked at its meaning in Google Translate. Fortunately, it explained me what the part of the sentence means. Therefore, I have relaxed eventually.

However, I wonder how it can be.

The sentence;
Superstition based interpretations suggest that if .....
There, I couldn't find which one is the noun, which one is the verb.  I had assumed that "based" or "suggest" might be the verb but I realised that "based" is not a verb .
>> Superstition based interpretations = According to Google Translate,
it means that "Batıl inanca dayalı yorumlar"
I was confused here;
Superstition is a noun,
based  is an adjective,
interpretations is a noun.
However, how can we put an adjective between two nouns?
I cannot understand it, so I am waiting for your supports, suggestions, or comments.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: Here is the link which is related to the answer of my problem;

Rıdvan Kaşıkçı

21 Şubat 2014 Cuma

Body Worlds come back İstanbul

                                                  THE ORIGINAL EXHIBITION OF REAL HUMAN BODİES
               Hi everyone :) I think everyone heard Body Worlds which was created by Gunther von Hagens. The exhibition came in İstanbul in 2010. It is about miracles of body and how to work human's muscle. On the other hand, we  can see smoker, obese, and pregnant donation. It includes 200 pieces. These are very interesting because one sculpture was made for more than a year. These body and body parts prepared special techniques which is plastination.
               30 million people saw. I haven't seen this exhibition yet. It opened 31 January. I am going to go to as soon as possible.  
Place: İstanbul Aquarium ( Aqua Shopping Mall )
Adult ticket:  29,50 TL
Low rate ticket: 25,25 TL

You find details about Body Worlds  these website

NASA sent 800 ants to space

Almost 40 days ago, (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) sent 800 ants to space in order to observe their movements in low gravity.
The ants arrived ISS (International Space Station) abouth a month ago and a special company experiments it.

The ants were chosen because they inside colonies move according to internalised rules.
Also, they use their sense of smell.
In addition, ants are suitable to find food or supplies.
Scientists want to produce robots which work in low gravity on the space because of these datas.
Some people says this experiment is unnecessary to find out a lot of significant informations about another experiment which will be tried soon.
In my opinion, this experiment is so important to realize what effects happen if an experiment goes to the space and stays there for a long time.

place-specific-music Ayşe YILMAZ

What is the music?Why  do we listen to music?We listen the music that we like.Places and conditions dont important for we but Ryan HOLLADAY approach to this subject in different way.He think that people should listen specific musics in specific places.Ryan and his brother refer to place-specific-music.They did specific music of Central Park.They composed this music.They dont give this specific music to other companies.This music listen to only in central Park.Thanks to GPS ,Ryan and his brother can do this system.There are different specific melodyin different place of Central Park.Thanks to this work , people can feel a good, sad, happy and specific in different place of Central Park.I think you should watch this video because this video is very ineresting ,impressive, and unbelievable. Also Turkey can benefit from this work.

The link of video:

I am an Ukranian

I will share a video which is related to the violence in Ukrain. In the video, a girl tell us about the violence. She thinks the Ukranian government prohibits the freedom of people in Ukrain. She wants that we know their bad circumstances. Therefore, she illustrates the bad situations in the video. For instance, she says thosands of people in his country are in street so that they can be free. She thinks they manage with a dictatorship. I think she can be right because there is so much violence in the video. Of course, I am not sure whether there is a propaganda but whatever there is in Ukrain, people must not be harmed or killed. Obviously, people must not abuse this demonstration. Otherwise, the police will need to stop the illegal behavior. She wants us to help them by sharing this video so that they are heard. Therefore, I want to share this video. I hope I will be able to help them with this way. Here is the link; Rıdvan Kaşıkçı


Earthlings is a documentary movie about animal’s rights. Also, director tries to draw attention in enviromental sensitivity. Earthlings’meaning of the word is living things in the world. In the movie, some real videos which is about suffering animals is shown.It is reaveled in the videos that many animals use for just some famous food chains’s advantage. While they are preaparing animals to sale in the markets, they don’t care about animal’s pain. For example, while animals are alive, some food factories skin offs them . These examples are really sadness. However, these cases are happened in the world although we can’t notice them in our daily lives. Because of this, I think you should try watch this documentary even you can’t resist. The main argument of movie is every living things deserves respect just because they are alive. In addition another point of emphasized in the movie is about the future of the world.If we continue not to care about environment and animal’s right , humanbeing will face with some disasters in the future. I think, the issue of the movie should be given precedence today. Finally I want to finish my writing with a quotation from documentary. “When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that one cannot eat money.”


Today, I want to define homeschooling.This kind of education is’nt seen much but there are some specific examples. First, what is homeschooling? As you can understand when you read name, this is the education of someone home.Children whoose parents don’t want to sen their children to the public or private school are educated.This type of education orginated from Germany in 16th century. For instance, Erkin Koray didn’t want to send his child to school so he found a teacher.After this education, his girl became a pianist and she is popular.

Global Population Growth, Box by Box

This video tells that how the population  has changed since in 1960 and into the future by boxes from IKEA.  1 Billion people live in industrialized societies and 2 billion people live in developing societies. Also those societies has a big space. Firstly  the people who live in industrialized world expected to buy a car but developing countries expected to have food for every day and they have shoes. Since in 1960 up to 2010 4 billion people  were added to the world population.  Also the West, industrialized countries  have gotton strong, and they have started to fly.  1billion people which belongs to new 4 people billion have started to buy a car. The rest of new  4 billion peole have started to bicycle. Unfortunately, 2billion people stiill can buy the food and shoes.  Consequently, there were no gap anymore, but there were inequalty  economically .  In the future , some countries which are driving a car now will attend developed countries and start to fly. Of course, other countries which can buy bicyle will start to buy a car. However , premier 2billion people  still are poor. More 2 billion people have been waited  to add , in the next decedes.  This raise  can be prevented  just development of poor people, 4 billion people.



   I want to share with you the film which I watched two days ago. The film whose name is Elysium is a science-fiction movie. In the film, all sources of energy, on the earth, is consumed by people . Therefore people establish a new living area in the space whose name is Elysium. However poor and second-rate people have to stay on earth and they aren't accepted as refugee by rulling class in Elysium. Then Max who is a young man in the earth have an accident and decide to go to Elysium through illegal ways for his life. 
   The director of Elysium is Neill Blomkamp. Moreover  Matt Damon is headliner, also Jodie Foster has a role in the film. I like the film but I think ther second part should have been more diffirent. Also I think that if you like science-fiction movies. you will like Elysium. 
   You can see imdb point and watch trailer in the link:


I want to talk about a film which is a  CAPTAIN PHILIPS. In 2009,the ship of American cargo whose names is Alabama came under attack by the pirate of  Somali. Richard Philips who the captan of ship sacrificed as a hostage to rescue crew. It was very excited and voltages the salvage work of Philips. If you watch the film, you  will learn whether he is saved. The actors of the film are Tom Hanks who is captan Barkhad Apdi ,and Barkhad Abdurahman who are pirates. I think you must watch this film because it is certain realisthttp. It is a  trailer ://

Facebook to buy messaging app WhatsApp for $19bn


Facebook to buy messaging app WhatsApp for $19bn

        Whatsapp a social network to speak people on the world. Whatsapp has more than 450 million users. Whatsapp allows users to send messages with the Internet connection. This is because whatsapp uses your 3G or WİFİ to message with friends and family when these are avaible. Also using that aplication is free. In adition to send a message, whatsapp provides extra feature in such picture. audio notes, and video messages. However, whatsapp is sold to Facebook and WhatsApp co-founder Jan Koum said"We're excited and honoured to partner with Mark and Facebook as we continue to bring our product to more people around the world,"

  I think that this shopping is bad for users because in whatsapp aplication users don't expose to advertising when using but form now on users will see ads in application. Moreover, I have a whatsapp, I dont have a facebook. I really hope I 'm forced to joın facebook or lose my whatsapp account.


Name of Bosphorus comes from a thracian word which means ''passage of the cow''. In ancient greek Zeus had 

a secret lover whom name is Io. One night Zeus went to forest for met with Io. Hera ( Zeus's wife) suspected and 

decided to follow Zeus. Hermes who messenger of the gods reported her to Zeus and  he converted Io as a 

white cow becaus he afraided rage of Hera. Hera suspected cow because this cow the most beautiful cow she 

ever seen, so she request to cow from Zeus. Hera locked up the cow in dungeon and she ordered to argos who 

has to 1000 eyes giant always watch the cow. Zeus saved her and killed argon. Hera sent a big fly after the cow. 

The Fly bit the cow and Io hurted, so she went to Istanbul from Thrace with the pain of bite. Io passed to strait of 

Istanbul. After that this area called Bosphorus which means passage of the cow.

Şevki Dere

Dialogue in the Dark

       My friends who are studying in department of Occupational Therapy, recommend me a exhibition which is "Dialogue in the Dark". The exhibition consists of a series of rooms in complete darkness. The visitors, in groups of up to 10 people, get a short briefing and are introduced to the use of a long cane before embarking on the journey through darkness. Escorted by the guide, they spend 60 to 90 minutes (depending on the size of the exhibition) exploring darkened galleries: a public park, a bustling city street, a food market, a boat, a café,etc.

It is very popular in other countries and it is active in İstanbul now. Visitor's feedbacks are very imressive and all of visitors advice peole to participate this exhibition. I will definitely go there and experience it. It is under the Gayrettepe Subway Station. In this exhibition, visitors try to get on and get off the bus without sight. They also visit İstiklal Street with walking stick.Imagine, you cannot see anything and there are many people, noise and danger. It sounds horrible, but thanks to this exhibition, we can understand sightless people and feel like them. I think it is very interesting and great experience. If you want to participate this exhibition, you should buy a ticket from there or Biletix. There is particular time, you should look at on the Internet before go there.


For In Turkish :

For In English:



The film was released in 2013. The film is about a desperate father infiltrates a powerful drug cartel and save his son's life in this crime drama based on actual events. He is arrested of drug distribution after he's caught with a package of Ecstasy, Jason Collins (Rafi Gavron) faces a mandatory in a federal prison. But Jason's father John (Dwayne Johnson) knows that his son is no drug dealer, and vows to do whatever it takes to win back his freedom. When Jason refuses an offer to reduce his sentence, John pleads with U.S. Attorney Joanne Keeghan (Susan Sarandon) to let him, and collect enough evidence to convict the real power players. I think, this film is psyched and strongly recommend to watch. I'm sure you will like. 

"Asıklar Kıraathanesi"

Famous cafe,Aşıklar Kıraathanesi, reopened in Kars after 9 years. Aşıklar Kıraathanesi was established by Murat Cobanoglu which was famous singer in Anatollian. This cafe tried to resume  Anatolian music style which is called “Aşıklık Gelenegi” in Turkisch. Unfortunately Murat Cobanoglu died in 2005. After his dead, Aşıklar Kıraathanesi could not continue their purpose. Therefore it was closed in 2005.

However last week, Aşıklar Kıraathanesi opened again by Murat Cobanoglu’s students. Now on people can visit this cafe and listen our traditional music.

I assume that most people didn’t know Murat Cobanoglu and his cafe. Therefore I posted some videos about them. I recommend you to watch it.

Football Club's Season Preparing Camps

Footbal Club's Season Preparing Camps

Football clubs generally take their players to mountains to prepare for next season. It is not only staying away from the city's hustle and bustle. There is an aim there , and it is scientific. Everybody will remember that from biology; erythroctye keeps O2. O2 is the most important source of energy. If you climb up the mountains O2 level will drop. Therefore the humanbody needs more O2,so amount of erythroctye will be increased when the O2 level in the air decreases. It means during the camp players' amount of erythroctye is higher than normal. When the camp finishes, players turn back from mountains to cities. Their amount of erythroctye still higher than normal level. However the level of O2 is higher than the mountain. Therefor there are more O2 and more O2 keeper(erythroctye). It means player will have more energy than normal. This situation continues for about 2-3 weeks. In addition you can see that in the first weeks after the preparing camp players can run more, and players are more energitic than normal time. To sum up, doing a season preparing camp at mountains is beneficial, logical, and scientific thing.

Useful Websites and Apps

Hey guys! Here are some good websites that might be helpful for your academic life.

Coursera is a website letting you to have lessons online and you can even receive a certificate if you complete an online course. Moreover, it is free!

Are you in trouble understanding Shakespeare? Do you need support for your Psychology 101 course? Well... Sparknotes is here for you. A great websites with lots of explanations, summaries, examples, and tests for you to get better grades.

Not everybody is lucky enough to be a student in MIT. However, if you have the internet, you can have an access to the materials and videos of MIT courses.

Educational life doesn't mean studying until you die. Hack College is a blog that has some great tips for the rest of your life in college. Simple, but effective :)

I can't believe you if you still don't have a pinterest account. An amazing micro-blogging website based on visuals, but wait there is more. There is everything for everyone for sure whether you love fashion or travel. Totally inspirational!

Life with Pocket is so easy and great! This is one of my favorite apps and I think it is available both for Android and Apple Store. When you register Pocket, it saves your e-mail adress and you can store whatever you like on the web just by sending an e-mail of that link to

Do you want to learn while having fun? Then, QuizUp is for you. Download it and beat people all around the world. By the way, spelling is my favorite!

Ayca K.

17 Şubat 2014 Pazartesi


                                                                                        Vadim Makhorov ve Vitaly Raskalov
     Two Russian climbed Shanghai Tower(China) which is the second tallest building(632 meters). They decided to climb this tower but this is unfinished and police mustn't allow anybody so they entry to structures in the night. I think they are crazy men because they climbed this tower without any climbing tools. In addition, they shot a video by head cameras. This video is amazing. When I watched the video and i get the shivers. I decided that I have never try to climb.
                                                                                                                 by Fatma Sena KEÇE


13 Şubat 2014 Perşembe

Lynx vs Youngster bear

I don't know whether you watched this video before.
The video is worth watching.
The video is approximately three minutes. Every second of the video is exciting. The end of the video finishes as I hope. We are not supposed to give up our hopes. We should run after our chances. Maybe we can have one more chance as it is demonstrated in the video.  I hope you all enjoy it.
The link ;

Rıdvan Kaşıkçı


orange candle

I watched a video few days ago and I want to share the video.
This video about how can we make candle with orange.

Şevki Dere

12 Şubat 2014 Çarşamba


     I found 4 idioms behind history. I wanted to share these because i thought that these were foolish. And I believe most of people don't these history. I selected this website
 and i try to translate myself i know my grammar isn't good so please check it.
                                                                                           by Fatma Sena KEÇE

                                                               1500's   in the U.K.


Don t throw the baby out with the bath water

   People didn't have a hot bath. When they had a hot bath, man of the family started and later son, other men, women, children, and babies respectively. At the end of bath water was quite dirty and blurred and people could lose something. A mother wouldn't want to mistakenly discard the baby with dirty water.

                                                           It's raining cats and dogs
    Roofing was made of cane and didn't include woods. Domestic animals such as cats and dogs lived in attic. When it rained, the attic got slippery so animals slipped and fell. And people assimilated to rain  cats and dogs
Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old.

     Meals cooked in boiler on the fire and people relighted boiler everyday. They ate meals and leftover (uneaten) waited in boiler. In the morning people added something and rehashed. People couldn't care less.

                                                                                               Chew the fat
     “Chew the fat” is an English expression meaning to indulge in casual conversation or gossip.
     People sometimes found bacon and was happy.  When guests came home, they tack bacon on somewhere and they showed off because meats were symbol of wealth. They cut small pieces of bacon then offered guests. They started to talk.
     The origin is debated just as with many idioms. One of the possible origins is from the the fact that after a meal people would go into their sitting room with their guests and chat while chewing on the fat left over from a meal.
Another possibility comes from sailors who often had salted beef and pork on long voyages and the fat would harden. Sailors would eat and complain about the hard life of the sea while "chewing the fat".  +

7 Şubat 2014 Cuma

Flappy Bird

I found a new game, and it is hard. Its name is Flappy Bird. I recommend it, but I am warning you, it is a annoying game.

Ege Kamber

5 Şubat 2014 Çarşamba

How to write codes


It is an interesting website  
It says ''We use dozens of technological tools but we don't know that how it works''.
It teaches computer sciences. You don't need to be member.If you are member, you look own level. You proceed step by step. You watch short video and  practice on examples. You finish level then you earn cups. You can choose Turkish language. In addition, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Drew Houston etc. teach to write code.
I think you should visit website because it is enjoyable. You learn to write codes on games such as angry birds. :)
                                                                                                                       by Fatma Sena Keçe


Gömülü resim için kalıcı bağlantı

I don't know if you've watched this video, but I've wanted to share it. This is a lovely video about a 15 month-old baby, Kayden. She sees rain for the first time and loves it. An amazing video, making one smile, full of happiness and also a capture of the importance of experience.

Here is the link:

Ayca K.

3 Şubat 2014 Pazartesi

I want to share a website with you.” Happy” which is a song from Pharrel Williams has been played for 2 months.With the success of this song, Pharrel Williams preapered a video for this song and this video is 24 hours long. It can be frustrating after a while, but I think you should check this insprational and enjoyable website. You can reach the video by this link:
                                                                                                                                by Burcu İrem Tan

2 Şubat 2014 Pazar

ya arkadaşlar şiddetle öneriyorum blogumuza aykırı bir paylaşım ama Ms.KARAMAN'ın da beğeneceğine inanıyorum bu videoyu kesinlikle izlemelisiniz güzel dilimize sahip çıkalım :D



                                                   by YAŞAR AVCU

1 Şubat 2014 Cumartesi

12 Interesting Facts About Dogs

  There are 12 interesting facts about dogs in the web page.
  I was surprised a little after I read this article.
  I have often hugged my old dog so far. According to an item in this article, it is like a dominance by the interpretation of dogs. Yet, I think it is a wrong information or it can only be acceptable for the species of some dogs. A lot of dogs which I have seen and my old dog are happier when they are hugged than when they are not cuddled.

The link ;

Rıdvan Kaşıkçı