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27 Ocak 2014 Pazartesi

The Power of Introverts

We all know that there are a variety of personality types all around the world. Some people are very active, agressive, direct and they attract attention immediately. In other words, they are extroverts. However, some other people are shy, quiet, and prefer to be alone rather than in a big and noisy party. In other words, they are introverts.

Susan Cain, who is the writer of a book called "Quiet: The Power of Introverts", states that the world system promotes a world of extroverts whereas introverts are as special as extroverts and we need them in our society.

Here you can find a test to see if you are an introvert or an extrovert:

Here is the video of Susan Cain:

Here is more information about the book and Susan Cain:

I personally recommend you to take the test and watch the video. If you enjoy them, you can also read the book, which is quite enjoyable

Ayca K.

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