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29 Ocak 2014 Çarşamba

The minty aftertaste - To Prevent

I haven't known that there is a way to rid the minty flavor we get from brushing our teeth. However, I have just learnt that there is a way for this bad circumstance while I was searching on the internet. Moreover, I want to share this so that one who doesn't know can learn its solution.

    A man whose name is  Redditor EtherBoo started brushing his teeth in the shower. Shortly after, he realized that he didn't have the minty aftertaste. However, he had the minty aftertaste when brushing his teeth with cold water. Hence, It was understood that rinsing with hot water is the solution of this annoying situation.    
Thanks to hot water, we don't have to taste the bad taste.

 Enjoy your meal!

the link ;


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