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26 Mart 2014 Çarşamba


                                                                                   UNBELIEVABLE PICTURE FROM BOUN
                       When I surfed on the Internet, I found this picture and I was shocked. It was really fantastic. This photo was taken by Boğaziçi University students. This accident happened in 2012 in front of the Aptullah Kuran Library. What's person like have this accident? A person achieved an extremely different goal. The person who had an accident might be hangover I didn't know. The cars which didn't have BOUN sticker didn't enter the university, so the person must be attendant, teacher, or student at BOUN. I started worrying about Boğaziçi University's attendants, teachers, and students. On the other hand, this picture went against the rules of Physics :)  I haven't seen this conditions in science-fiction or action films.


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