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22 Nisan 2014 Salı

Google Contact Lens

                                                                                             GOOGLE CONTACT LENS 

                    Hi everyone, when I heard the new, I was really shocked. I thought it was joke but it was real. Google exaggerated wearable technologic items. They try to create new lenses. This lens is camera and it can shoot videos and images. Moreover, wearing a Google product that sits in front of your eyes is so this year. The search engine would seemingly rather think about the future and something far more direct with contact lens cameras that could help the blind or enhance normal vision. They are ready to get patent but I can't see
any Google Glass so I think they are too fast for me. In addition, people start to use wearing devices and I hope that we won't look like robots in the future.


Blood moon


                                                                                                     BLOOD MOON
                         This event occurs 3 times in 500 years. The moon appeared red in April 14-15. It was seen by nearly all American people. They could view with naked eye.The lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is situated directly between the sun and the full moon. The lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is situated directly between the sun and the full moon. The moon passes through Earth’s “umber,” making it appear a dark reddish-orange color. Because the Earth is completely obstructing the moon from receiving light from the sun, the light gets there indirectly as it has been filtered and refracted through the atmosphere. On the other hand, when the event happened, solemn wars were occurring such as The Spanish Inquisition and The War of Indepence.
                                  It was really significant event and I was very sad because I couldn't see. The event didn't happen in Turkey. Luckily, NASA broadcasted live on the Internet so we viewed. It was an amazing event. I hope that second blood moon will occur in Turkey and I will not miss. In addition, any war will not occur these years hopefully.